A business made for physicians

Our company’s strive for better workplace ergonomics for physicians began in the endoscopy suite. We found that gastroenterologists often suffer from musculoskeletal injury due to the poor ergonomic design of modern endoscopes. The design of colonoscopes requires physicians to contort and hold their left thumb- in ways that can often damage the tendons in the area. We designed a medical device that could help alleviate that stress.



Vincent Sciortino
CEO and Co-founder

Kevin L. Chang

Vikram Seshadri


Student Engineering Team

Julia Pasco-Anderson

Brendan Berkel

David Mai

How can we help you?

Our team is committed to ergonomics and making sure that your experiences as a physician are designed so that you can worry less about injuries in the workplace and focus more on taking care of your patients.

Feel free to contact us with any questions!